Within the cross-border project "We can", a methodology was prepared for determining the price of heating of the company Grijanje d.o.o. Pljevlja based on the consumption of thermal energy of the end customer
Within the project "Reducing the impact of local communities in the cross-border region of Serbia and Montenegro on climate challenges - WE CAN" in order to improve regional cooperation and coordinated action to reduce the negative impact on climate change, based on the existing experience of JEP "Toplana" Kraljevo a document has been prepared “Methodology for determining the price of heating of the company Grijanje doo Pljevlja on the basis of the final customer's consumption of thermal energy ".
Within the project, through the exchange of experience in the cross-border area, a model of heat energy billing by consumption was defined, the application of which (in the municipality of Pljevlja) should enable the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency measures and efficient heat consumption in space heating. The main advantage of charging for heat consumption is that consumers really pay what they spend and such a billing and charging system is especially cost-effective in transition periods, at the beginning and end of the heating season, when there is no need for significant space heating. By applying the billing system, it is to be expected that the consumption of thermal energy and energy sources will be reduced, which would lead to a reduction in the emission of harmful gases, and at the same time the bills for the district heating service would be reduced.
The project "Reducing impact of local communities of the cross-border region of Serbia-Montenegro to climate challenges - WE CAN" is funded by the European Union within the Cross-border cooperation programme Serbia-Montenegro.