Action for healthy drinking water and clean waterways
Role of organization: Lead partner
Place of realization: Republic of Serbia, City of Kraljevo, Municipatilies Tutin, Novi Pazar and Leposavić
Short-term results:
Result 1: The established model for monitoring the quality of water in the reservoir “Gazivoda” as a basis for the protection of water and preventive action to reduce water pollution.
Result 2: The school youth, citizens and expert public are improved information and knowledge about water quality in the basin of the river Ibar, protection of water courses and nature.
Long term result:
Established a model for improving water quality and ensuring safe water supply in the basin of the river Ibar, through monitoring and responsible behavior of the population.
Donor: Ministry of Agriculture and Environment protection of Republic of Serbia
Year of implementation: October 2014/December 2014